上颌窦 / GBR:A macro-perforation during complexity in

1970-1-1 08:01  来源:登腾(北京)医疗  2014-12-15 17:09:18
作者: 阅读量:7482


C.C : Difficulty in mastication
Key-point : If a large perforation encountered during crestal approach, how to manage to ensure 
proper graft containment.
1) Switch into the lateral window approach.
2) Close & re-do two or three months later.
1. 2009.05.25 1st Surgery (two-stage)
- Implant : #26,#27-SuperLine™4510
- Sinus Elevation : OSTEON Sinus GBG0510S
Colla tape + Collagen membrane

* Sinus perforation

2. 2009.12.02
 2nd stage surgery
3. 2010.01.11 Impression
4. 2010.02.03 Final prosthesis

编辑: 姚红祥
